Like you I’m on a journey. For me, the most exciting and difficult aspect of that journey involves knowing ourselves in deeper and ever expanding ways. I do not claim or hold to any religion, philosophy, or science because the vehicle of intellect as a stand alone, is woefully inept. In their most “uncorrupted” form I see them all as vehicles pointing to that which cannot be described only experienced. So in truth what I experience and point to with words or songs doesn’t really matter, because it’s not your experience. If you do resonate with anything I write or sing, it’s because you’ve already experienced it in some way within yourself. 

In my own experience, unconditional love is at the foundation of existence, all things material and immaterial are “made up” of consciousness, everything is an expression of an endless One across all dimensions and realities so that in truth there is only one reality and it is already inside you. In truth, nothing is ever apart from it. We can experience the experience of separation but separation is not the truth about Reality. This oneness is everyone’s right, if they desire it, to know and experience for themselves what is beyond…or inside themselves, and yet, at the same time there is no rush or pressure for this to happen because every experience is valid and is happening inside of that Reality.

I grew up in Christianity and through a series of realizations through spiritual experiences, searching, meditative experiences, and plant medicine journeys, I left that faith to be on the path I am on now which isn’t any particular path at all. In my posts and songs you will find quite a few references to Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Tao, Zen, and other faiths and practices, not because I adhere to them but because there is an element of symbology or metaphor that is the best way I can personally communicate an experience. For instance, I do not like to use the word “God” because of the plethora of meanings it takes on for various people, yet in certain contexts, especially songs, it is often the best I can use. When I write, I find myself wanting to put everything in air quotes to indicate “don’t take any of this literally” it’s all metaphor or poetry it’s supposed to point away from the words themselves to direct experience…or if the idea that words and theorizing can encapsulate and pass on truth in and of themselves, that is a lie. Everything is inside you. There are truly a “100 paths up the mountain” because ironically you are the mountain, the path and the journeyer already, so wherever you prefer to look, if you are truly looking for the Ultimate, is fine because it is there and you will find it…or it will find you ; ). And if you are not looking, that is also fine. It is your experience. Your choice and there is nothing wrong with you. 

Day to day: 

I live with my wife and three children in Longview, TX where I still help run a coffee company I co-founded in 2016. My family and I are currently exploring ways of living more in sync with the earth we are a part of as well as positioning ourselves to help and hold space for others in their personal journeys. I’m constantly living the “ups” and “downs” of this awakening process within myself, to the point that, I find myself in a new place almost every month it seems. Within the vulnerability of sharing my journey however, I hope something resonates with or turns on a light bulb in a room you’ve already been exploring. In my day to day life I find myself weaving in and out of seasons of doing things like breath-work, meditation, cold water therapy, plant medicines, running, hiking, cycling, yoga, good food, clean water, good company, textures, and enjoying nature but also cleaning toilets, ordering parts, fixing equipment, training baristas, management consultations, learning how not to yell at my kids, but also loving them, and probably listening to to many podcasts.

I love you all…peace ✌️